Sunday, June 29, 2008

Motorcycles and Laws

A dear friend of mine sent me a link about Utah motorcycle laws changing and I wanted to share my thoughts. I have been riding a 150cc scooter for one year now and I have seen some of the craziest things done on a two-wheeled motor vehicle in my life (this of course does not include professional stunts). I saw a teenager texting while driving, a teenager pulling wheelies in a professional building's parking garage, a gang of teenagers swerving between lanes on scooters and man wear shorts and a t-shirt riding a v-6 Harley without a helmet. Yes, I have only been riding for one year, and I only ride a 150cc scooter, but it is not the laws that need to be changed; it is the mindset.

Mindsets are a funny thing and I believe that the general publics' are getting worse everyday. This goes beyond motorcycles but think about the things that kids did 25 years ago and what kids do today. Teenagers were probably still pulling wheelies on motorcycles but they were not allowed to go 70 mph on a freeway. Bikes weren't as a powerful as they are now, and most kids under the age of 19 were not able to afford them.

We need to do a better job in specifying what the correct law is and then enforce it. If more people are being injured and those people are not wearing helmets than establish an approved helmet law. What about the shops that are selling motorcycles to people without licenses? I purchased my scooter without ever driving one and without a proper license for one. Shouldn't they be fined? Convenient stores are being fined for selling cigarettes or alcohol to minors, but I can walk in to a bike shop and buy a motorized vehicle without ever driving one or being properly licensed for one.

Motorcycles are a fun way to get around town and they are great on the gas budget, but they are also dangerous.
  • Dangerous because we are not always properly educated
  • Dangerous because other idiots are out there too
  • Dangerous because it may be too much power for what we can handle
  • Dangerous because we are not paying attention or preoccupied
  • Dangerous because were are showing off
These are reasons that we should live by with everything. Showing off can get you into a lot of trouble, pay attention to things around you, do not get in over your heads, beware of the idiots and remember to educate yourself about the things that you are interested in doing.


Misty and Jake said...

I so agree! The other day I was driving down 3100 S and I saw this guy with no shirt on. Short shorts and flip flops with no helmet. I said what is he wanting to do kill himself?

I am glad that you take the extra precautions and protect yourself for you and your family to the best of your ability while you are driving!

Happy Birthday again....

Jj Starwalker said...

Having ridden both a motorcycle and a scooter, as well as driving a car, I think EVERYONE should have to take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course. Period. And maybe refreshers every 10 yrs or so. Whether you are a biker, a scooter jockey, a driver of a car or truck or even -- maybe -- just a pedestrian.

The things I learned in that class made me a much more aware driver no matter how many wheels are under me.

On the other hand, I do not think you can legislate against stupidity and if folks really want to ride unsafely, let them do it. BUT I don't think we all should be penalized for their mistakes in the way of higher insurance premiums, or having to take care of them on public aid either.

I believe in personal responsibility, come push or shove.